Was gifted a Balrog for Christmas, need help choosing models to buy.

Hey all,

I am obsessed with Balrogs in the lore, so much so that my wife (who knows nothing about LotR) bought me the Balrog mini for Christmas.

Needless to say I’m stoked, but now I find myself trying to figure out what models to buy to make a playable army. I have no knowledge of the rules,so I’m coming at this as a complete newbie. What would a beginner balrog army look like?

I considered picking up one of the starter kits to learn on, but I love Balrogs and would really like to make him usable sooner than later.

Thanks in advance guys, you’re the best.

Hey all,

I am obsessed with Balrogs in the lore, so much so that my wife (who knows nothing about LotR) bought me the Balrog mini for Christmas.

Needless to say I’m stoked, but now I find myself trying to figure out what models to buy to make a playable army. I have no knowledge of the rules,so I’m coming at this as a complete newbie. What would a beginner balrog army look like?

I considered picking up one of the starter kits to learn on, but I love Balrogs and would really like to make him usable sooner than later.

Thanks in advance guys, you’re the best.